It’s time to clarify KCCO

KCCO isn’t defined in any dictionary (at least not one that I’ve found), but it should be a daily mantra for all of us.

Keep Calm, Chive On.

Simple enough, but what does it mean? First, go to

Don’t come back here until you’ve explored at least one full days worth of Chive awesomeness.

Done yet?

Good. Feel how wonderful that made things? I’m sure you also noticed “KCCO” several times on their site. The Chive isn’t just a website chock full of trips down memory lane, yoga pants, and memes though. If you’ve been following them for a while (like I have) then you know they’ve also helped people in tremendous ways. They don’t stop at just being funny, they enlist help from “Chivers”. Being a chiver means everything from a high five in the airport from a fellow chiver you’ve never met, hooking up with fellow chivers at events, and, the most touching,  using the network of chivers to raise money for chive friendlies that REALLY need the help.

Go through the archives of the chive and you won’t find one circumstance when the call for help has gone unanswered. Hell, the calls have been more than answered, chivers have gone above and beyond every single time. No one is recognized for doing this. No one expects accolades for helping. It’s a community of Chivers helping in any way they can, and it’s admirable.

It’s much like the Wyld Stallyns said, “Be excellent to each other” but in a modernized way.

So to answer the question, KCCO means more than just “check out these cool pics and videos”, it means “be a part of something that is more than you”.  Keep Calm and Chive on.


Fight the Power

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5 thoughts on “It’s time to clarify KCCO

  1. Brandi says:

    I just googled “what it means to be a chiver” to explain it to my friends. Thanks so much for this. I am Lilli’s mom, you helped me & my little girl, thanks so much for that!!! Chive on!

  2. I could not have said it better myself!! Love this!! KCCO ChiveNation!!!

  3. Roy says:

    “Chivers and Chivettes are a fantastic group of people dedicated to alleviating the stress of an otherwise hectic day with daily random photos, photos of men and women all under one site (, just really happy go lucky partiers and all arounds great people – that follow the chive.”

    “We are community out to help promote “Keep Calm and Chive On” (KCCO) also to help find Chivers and Chivettes, and possibly link up to party, meet up and etc. It’s always a good time. It originates from, where that is website known internationally to spread KCCO, shares beautiful photos of humor, and men and women. They are very military and auto enthusiasts oriented as well. We from the California team are looking for men and women that would like help sponsor and help with spreading KCCO.” – Roy

    • Crystal says:

      I’ve been asking around for a couple of days now trying to figure out exactly what it meant outside of surfing the site. I have definitely found out some interesting info. Lots of chivers here in CA apparently.

  4. “The greatest honor in this life is to do something outside of yourself, good will and kindness for a stranger you have never met…for the thanks that you will never get.” – Nathan Rigsby (Atlanta Area Chivers)

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